DC Universe Online Wiki

One of the many features in DC Universe Online is the Feats section. Feats are self-contained challenges that award points upon completion.

Challenge Dynamo

DC Universe Online feats contain challenges covering every aspect of gameplay, including Exploration, Alerts, Raids and PVP. More feats will be added as new content becomes available in game, so additional feats can be expected on a regular basis.

Feats Menu

The feats menu can be accessed by pressing the escape key, then clicking on the trophy icon at the bottom of the screen. This will bring up a list of options, the first option is feats.

Feats Menu

The feats menu is split into 3 sections: Categories, Recent Accomplishments and Progress Overview.

  • Categories section shows a list of subcategories for feats e.g. Exploration, Alerts, Solo Content and PVP.
  • Recent Accomplishments section shows the last 3 feats you completed.
  • Progress Overview section shows the total number of feats available in each subcategory and how many you have completed.

Categories of Feats

Feats come under a number of different categories. Some are simple and require very little effort to complete, whereas others involve a large amount of time and effort .

The list of categories and subcategories are as follows:

(Please note that most of these feats are from the hero menu, so some feats will be different to villains.)


For every 100 points achieved the player will receive an additional skill point for their character. Completing feats will allow you to gain new skill points beyond what you can achieve through leveling alone.

The number of points awarded for completing each feat varies based on difficulty, easy feats award 10 points whereas the most difficult/time consuming award 50 points.

Difficulty Rating/Points Awarded

Each feat has a star rating, which reflects the difficulty of accomplishing that feat. The star rating also indicates how many points you receive upon completion.

Star Rating Difficulty Points Awarded
1 Star Easy 10 Points
2 Stars Medium 25 Points
3 Stars Hard 50 Points

Manual Feats Unlock

Manual Feat Unlock

Manual feats unlock

Since game update 34 feats the player has unlocked with another character can be unlocked with replay badges.

Unlockable feats will have a small green button in the overviews of the feat menu.

Feats can merely be unlocked if they are shared between characters. E.g. an acrobat cannot unlock super-speed related feats and vice versa.

Feat Level Replay Badges Cost
10 Points 1
25 Points 3
50 Points 5

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