DC Universe Online Wiki

Oolong Island is a remote island previously owned and built by Intergang to create superweapons for their schemes. Operated by the mutated scientist Chang Tzu, the island is used as a haven for various intellectual minds to engage in their chosen arts freely.

As Chang Tzu was a member of the Great Ten; China's metahuman defender force, Oolong Island fell under Chinese jurisdiction and became a national stronghold for the country. During the year following the Infinite Crisis, under order from Beijing, Chang Tzu utilized Intergang money to design and build doomsday weapons.
Following retribution from Black Adam after the release of one such doomsday weapon that killed his wife and new family, Oolong Island became its own sovereign nation, ruled by President Veronica Cale, but the island still served as a haven for intellectual minds of varying moralities.

In-Game History

An island of mad scientists has been overrun by their robotic creations. Players must defeat T.O. Morrow's Tornado Tyrant and an army of failed copies of the metal men before facing off with Chang Tzu.




  • Altered Androids
  • Androids
  • Doctor Pyrate
  • Egg Fu
  • Failed Metal Men
  • Hyperactive Androids
  • Enraged Metal Men
  • Laboratory Guards

Briefs and Investigations




See also

External links
